Zaros was not able to get over death the same way like Zaros. This is due to the fact that Zaros body was distinct than Guthix's. It's likely that Zaros OSRS Fire Cape, in an attempt to preserve his life and save it, turned his body into pure energy in order to avoid death.
This did not happen to Guthix as you are aware. Gielinor had other effects that support his death, including divination and craters. They are believed to have been caused by Guthix's Anima Mundi mourning.
There is no equilibrium in the world right now, as the results of world events show. Order seems to be giving Chaos quite a beating. Balance in RuneScape does not involve the battle between good and evil, but rather between chaos and order. As of now, Armadyl and Saradomin have won one each. This means that the order side is ahead 2-0.
Both Armadyl, Saradomin, and Zamorak have seen their power increased. Zaros has returned, and despite being thought to be less neutral than a threat, he claims that his aim is to bring order back under his rule. I get asked a lot and here are the most important quests I completed and in what order. All quests except Monkey Madness can be completed with at least 15 hitpoints Cheap RS Gold. You can also make use of Fire Strike 13 magic to eliminate all bosses. Witch's house is possible.