Day 5 : A cheeky breakfast, clued-up farmers and calmly walking 40km.
Spirits were high, especially after the generousity offered by Mr. Ravishankar in Aathur, who boarded us for the night on Day 4.
An irresistable Vaada ( Indian Savoury Donut) was on offer on one of the nearby street stalls, which was our breakfast for the beginning of what promised to be a very fulfilling day 5. Good weather and a serene vista of hills were the backdrop for this leg of the journey.

We met some clued up farmers on the way, who were well versed in the concepts of steady prices, and even mentioned the need for fair returns. As usual, the mention of irregular rains was highlighted in addition to fluctuations in the market economy that hurt Tapioca growers especially. In a nutshell, the conversation amplified our resolve in the walk. Fair trade and Climate Justice, this is what these farmers need. These are the people we walk for.

We covered 40km in all today. We shared and swapped a lot of stories, between ourselves and with the curious people we met along the way, who wanted to know more about the reasons for which we walked.
Sree Ranga ( see previous blog post) came all the way from Bangalore, just like my friend Shanmugam who had come from Kotagiri previously. He took us to nearby Nammakal, where he shared his own passion, creativity and hard work in Building Dibella coffee, and a unique paper business which is so compelling.
All in all, a succesful day, Natesa is keeping up and has been a pleasure to walk with.
Thank you for all your support! Please continue to drive us on and give us your good vibes and energy to speed on to Day 6!
Make Trade Fair and Climate Justice for All!