DAY 6 : Arriving barefoot but embraced by warmth
Todays final walk into Keswick was impressive, I’d seen the physical change in everyone taking part but what was completely unchanged was the commitment to reach out and engage people with the Fairtrade message the difference one person can make in the comunity, either locally or globally.
Lois wrote : When Push took off his shoes to walk the last section BARE FOOT – even though he was obviously very sore already – was amazing.
It has been an honour to capture some of this experience so it can be a story that’s shared with others.
The the entry into the fascinating and beautiful Keswick could not be more dramatic-reception by many including the lovely llamas and the weather had taken a positive turn.Sun shone.I was drying
up up from lunch time deep drench .The mood of the team up beat.Bruce and Nicola made it despite the fact that they both were in not such astrong state.Bruce was suffering from substantial blisters accumalated to cause most damage and pain and Nicola was admirably sure footed in spite of twisted ankle.
It is at that time I decided that I will walk bare foot- in support of the Coffee farmers and all the women farmers who suffer from the double whammy of unfair trade and climatic impact among other factors.Indeed the Oxfam GROW campaign tries to capture holistic ways all these and proposes a number of solutions.
I wonder what Words Worth would have said if he were walking with us:
A bit like below?
Rapping for Change
Walk it straight
Make it straight,
Make trade fair.
Play it fair,
Don’t leave the poor children bare
Cause your greed is causing them to tear.
Please. Make trade fair.
Kill the patent,
Don’t kill the patients
Who die every second,
Without a citation.
Make Trade Fair.
Liberalization, Barrier creation,
Commodity depreciation
Poverty creation.
It is time for a re-creation.
Don’t stay still,
Make your voice shrill,
Cry out for change,
I said cry out for change.
Come together,
Shout with me y’all
“Make trade fair”