A Message from Dr.Anand , a coffee grower and activist.
Dear Story Teller ( Push ) As far as we can remember, your actions stem from a deep faith from within ; that all coffee planters, no matter to which part of the globe they belong,are a deprived lot, uncared for and most of all not recogonized for the tremendous positive impact they have on the biodiversity of the Western Ghats (India )which today is nominated by the U.N. as a heritage site. We do not know how to empathize with you, after seeing the soles of your shoes after the historic earlier walks. Forget the tired legs and the age , you are literally walking the talk for each and every coffee planter. a towering figure who has and will inspire generations of coffee growers. We salute your spirit and believe us when we say, we are in your thoughts every step of yet another historic march.
India has been home to coffee for almost 200 years and has always been and still remains shade grown. However, with the winds of globalization and liberalization reaching the Indian shores, Forest grown Indian coffee is making inroads in the West as a specialty coffee. The coffee grown under the shade of forest trees has a unique taste of nature in the cupping quality. There are three key ideas here. This uniqueness is not only the result of the forest factor but also due to the fact that the coffee habitats are an integral part of multicrops, herbs and spices. In addition, Indian coffee plantations harbor thousands of species of old diverse and significant species of rare birds, insects and endangered wildlife.The amazing fact is that coffee habitat and nature bring out the best chemistry in sustaining each others needs. Many foreigners who visit the plantation remark that Indian coffee plantations are bird and game sanctuaries. The architectural detail of the coffee mountain is astounding. Thank you Push, for reaching out to a global audience and telling the story of shade grown Indian coffee to the rest of the world.