The major advantage of click maps lies in the fact of offering an immediate image of the engagement of the recipients. We explain how they work and how they can be used to improve results. Do you know heatmaps ? It is a way to graphically represent data, with colors representing individual values. They are used in many fields, from journalism to sports to marketing . Clickmaps are nothing more than a derivative of heatmaps: they are tools that provide the reader with what is called “click geography” ; in other words , they provide a quantitative view of the distribution of clicks on a page or email . In this article, we'll dive deeper into click maps to understand how they help marketers get a complete view of results and improve email engagement. MailUp Click Cards How do my recipients interact with emails?
Where do they click? On images, calls to action or text? This is precisely what the MailUp platform tells you by giving you an overview of the clicks for each individual campaign. You can find the feature through the following: E-Commerce Photo Editing Service You will then find a copy of your email with the breakdown of clicks for each link inserted above . You can view the results in two ways: Number of clicks Percentage of clicks As mentioned, this representation of clicks has the major advantage of offering a global and immediate view of recipient engagement. This is macro-information that helps to understand if certain strategic aspects are working or need to be recalibrated.
Let's see how click maps can help you. Make sure the content hierarchy reflects the results Let's take the example of one of our latest newsletters: As you can see, the newsletter has a fairly marked hierarchy that places some content prominently and other content at secondary levels. This choice is obviously part of a specific strategy . First, we need to check that the click distribution matches this hierarchy and therefore most of the interactions are related to the main content , i.e. the email header content.