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Indications and contraindications to facial plasma therapy.
Plasma therapy is recommended for patients with signs of skin aging: dryness, pigmentation, vascular pattern, color fading. Such signs may appear not only with age, but also much earlier (up to 30 years) due to the adverse effects of negative factors. The main indications for intradermal injection of autoplasm:
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signs of age-related aging;
symptoms of photo damage;
dehydrated, over-dried dermis;
facial wrinkles;
vascular asterisks;
acne and post-acne;
the consequence of surgical intervention;
for the purpose of post-traumatic recovery;
after harsh laser exposure or chemical peeling;
violation of the contour of the face;
high greasiness of the dermis;
The Platelet Rich Plasma method is best suited to patients who, due to high sensitivity or allergies, cannot use other aesthetic rejuvenation techniques (mesotherapy, biorevitalization, etc.). The risk of adverse consequences when using the technique is extremely insignificant. However, it is not allowed to be used in the presence of certain conditions and diseases. These include:
infectious pathologies transmitted through the blood: hepatitis, AIDS, syphilis, malaria and others;
pregnancy and breastfeeding;
diabetes mellitus;
acute inflammation of the skin.
Admission to manipulation is provided by a dermatocosmetologist after a preliminary consultation. A temporary contraindication to plasma therapy is menstruation. It is impossible to resort to the method while taking antibiotics (after the end of treatment, 3 to 5 days should pass).